Having thought recently about taking the bull by the horns and perhaps taking my driving test in order to get a car, I thought I would have a look around at some of the car insurance products out there and try and get an idea as to where I could potentially make some savings, hey, I'm not well off by any means! Anyway, what I did discover is that potentially it could be quite expensive for me to get car insurance on what would be my first vehicle. The average car insurance premium in the UK is actually 497GBP and for a man, its actually a little higher at 525GBP.
There are ways you can make savings and just by being a new customer you can sometimes get a better deal than someone wanting to renew their policy. the insurance companies are all fighting tooth and nail for your custom so they can quite often be prepared to go a lot lower than you think, offering you a more competitive deal. As a customer, even if you've built up your no claims, going back to renew your policy you shouldn't accept a renewal quote fro your existing insurer. As explained above customer loyalty means little in this industry and its quite easy to go to a new insurer. Most big insurance companies will often charge you less than half of the price offered to existing customers.
The best way to research and take a look at what is on offer as a new customer is to take a look on the comparison sites. Make sure that you look at different ones because they don't all link to the same insurers and it pays to get as wide a view as possible. The average saving is as much s 217GBP jut by shopping around. Make no mistake though, the comparison sites are the best way to research for car insurance on the web, I know, I've tried it!
Of course, another way that you can save money is to use security devices such as alarms, immobilizers, tracking devices, etc. They can all hold some value in decreasing your insurance premium particularly if they are rated against the UK insurance industries criteria. They do obviously cost money in the first place but again, shop around for cheaper products. They also hold the added benefit of protecting your car from theft as well.
The last thing and something to warn against is making modification to your car. Body kits, and alloy wheels might look good in Fast Car Magazine but insurers don't seem to like them. Presumably because modified cars are more likely to be targeted for theft and I suppose the image of a modified car is one that will be driven fast and therefore more likely to be involved in an accident.
Have a look around and see what you can do, and by the way, the best way to save money is to drive safely and not claim on your insurance!
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