The number of credit cards for consumers with poor credit ratings is actually fairly limited. There is a marked increase in the numbers of people using these cards in order to repair a weak credit rating and there really should be more of a choice. However, those on offer do provide a facility that wouldn't in other circumstances be there and because they all carry high interest rates, should therefore only be looked at as a functional short term product rather than something longer term. I will review the three most popular bad credit credit cards here and you can perhaps make a decision as to which one would be most suited for your situation and circumstances.
The Capital One Classic
This credit card seems to be favored amongst all the comparison sites as the best option out there for a credit score repair card. The acceptance rates are quite good and as long as you are 18 or over, have some history of managing credit even if you do have defaults or CCJ's, you're on the electoral role and haven't been declared bankrupt in the last 12 months amongst others, you should be able to get one. As with most of the poor credit rating cards, the interest rates are high with a typical 34.9% on balance transfers, purchases and cash advances. The credit limit can start as low as 250GBP and can go up to 2500GBP and most consumers will find that as long as they make 4 monthly repayments in full, the limit can be raised incrementally. Another offering from the Capital One family worth a quick mention is the Progress Credit Card. Similar to the Classic, the only difference is that the Progress is the only bad credit credit card that reduces the interest rate as long as the repayments are met in full and the credit limit isn't exceeded. Starting at the same 34.9% it drops 5% every 6 months until it reaches 19.9%APR.
The Vanquis Visa
The Vanquis Visa is another high interest rate card with a 39.9% APR, so its best not to borrow too much on this card and make sure that you make the monthly repayments in full. Its a good card for those with little or no credit history and those with poor credit ratings with little choice. The difference between the Vanquis visa and the offerings from Capital One is that you don't need a bank or building society account although it will obviously help with the application. Apart from that the criteria for acceptance seems to be pretty much the same. This card does however have a high interest rate for cash advances - 49.4% so really, don't borrow cash irresponsibly!
The Aqua Bank Mastercard
This credit card is produced by SAV Credit Limited and is a Mastercard rather than visa, not that it makes any difference. This credit card may be worth applying for if you have a bank or building society account, are in full time employment, have a landline telephone number and are on the electoral register. Acceptance criteria are a little stricter than the other products here and if you're applying, you can't have any adverse credit in the last 12 months or be a discharged bankrupt in the same time period. The interest rates are comparable to the others with a 35.9% APR and the credit limit is restricted at 1000GBP.
All of the above products can be good for a functional credit card to repair your credit rating, however the most responsible way to do that is to be realistic with yourself about what you can afford and don't take on more repayments than you can manage.
The above products can be found at -, and Which Credit card 4U
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